Listen to AGA Recording Artists
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Hear the Students, Coaches and Clients of the AGA Music Lessons Songwriting/ Music Production Studio.
Imagine the music you could create at AGA!

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AGA Recording Artists
Check out more music created by these AGA Recording Artists at the AGA Music Lessons Songwriting/ Music Production Studio.
Imagine the music you could create at AGA!
Tatiana Aguilar
Writing music can be like therapy to me, going through the process of writing music can be healing and bring me lots of joy, but the process can also be filled with much pain because in order to really create the feeling you have to relive the emotion in order to get the purest and the truest form of the feeling in words. But as I start to record my lead vocals I can hear everything slowly coming together, random harmonies and pitches would pop in my head out of nowhere, and of course, I would get so excited to lay down a track. From there we begin to figure out what instruments we could use to enhance the feeling. It's really cool to make different sounds but sometimes they don't always go well with the song so we keep it in our back pocket for another song. Then we start to mix the tracks. This is when we get really picky about every little detail. For example: if I want the bass guitar to really pop out at this moment but quiet in this part, in order to show more of the feeling of anxiety or joyfulness and etc. Finally, when the song is finished we listen to the whole track. This is one of my favorite parts because it's just so wild to me that I did this. This is my song, my voice, my emotions, all in one place in one beautiful art piece. I always thought recording my music would be a dream but a dream that I could never reach. Until my instructor, Andy informed me that they are going to start recording songs, that they finally have all the materials to do so and of course I was thrilled. Andy encouraged me to record one song and then from there I had to record another and another and another, at this point we almost have a whole album recorded! I've always been writing songs but ever since I've been attending these classes I've been producing more songs that I never thought I could do at such a fast pace. Writing songs used to take me months, mostly because I was so lost on how to even make a song. With the help of Andy and all the weird awesome songs we made, I can quickly find the words I need to make a song that means so much to me. Recording and writing songs is one of my favorite hobbies, music has always been a huge part of my life, and I love how by taking these lessons I get to connect more and learn more not only about music but about myself too and that is something I will always be grateful for.
Lola Fields

Lola Fields is a native Oregonian currently living in the Portland area sharing her first album as a singer songwriter. Her music is inspired by artists similar to Adele.
As a lead singer Lola is currently performing covers with Lola and Neil Duo singing a variety of music from jazz to country and Got Yer 6 band performing classic rock.
Notable past performances include the wedding of Amy Roloff and Chris Marek from Little People Big World and many wineries, wine bars and private parties.